Trading Strategy#


Trading strategies are built as class objects, and must follow a few simple rules to function properly with AutoTrader. At a minimum, a strategy is required to have two methods. The first is the __init__ method, which is used to instantiate the strategy. The second is the generate_signal method, which contains the strategy logic and ouputs any trading signals which may present themselves. Read more about these methods below and take a look at the sample strategies in the demo repository. It might also be helpful to review the tutorial, Building a Strategy.

Strategy Overview#


A strategy template can be found in the templates folder of the Github repository. You can also use the command line interface to download strategies from the repo.

The code block below provides some boilerplate for a strategy in AutoTrader. The methods shown are the only things required of a strategy. Note the differences in the arguments to the generate_signal method between periodic and continuous update mode. Read about these modes in the AutoTrader docs.

from autotrader import Order

class Strategy:
    def __init__(self, parameters, data, instrument, **kwargs):
        """Define all attributes of the strategy.
        """ = "Template Strategy" = data
        self.params = params
        self.instrument = instrument
        # Define any indicators used in the strategy

        # Construct indicators dict for plotting
        self.indicators = {'Indicator Name': {'type': 'indicatortype',
                                              'data': 'indicatordata'},}
    def generate_signal(self, data):
        """Define strategy logic to determine entry signals.

        data : pd.DataFrame|dict
            The strategy data.
        # Example long market order
        order = Order(direction=1)
        return order
from autotrader import Order

class Strategy:
    def __init__(self, parameters, data, instrument, **kwargs):
        """Define all attributes of the strategy.
        """ = "Template Strategy" = data
        self.params = params
        self.instrument = instrument
        # Define any indicators used in the strategy

        # Construct indicators dict for plotting
        self.indicators = {'Indicator Name': {'type': 'indicatortype',
                                              'data': 'indicatordata'},}
    def generate_signal(self, i):
        """Define strategy logic to determine entry signals.

        i : int
            An integer index used to specify the location in the
        # Example long market order
        order = Order(direction=1)
        return order


The __init__ method always initialises a strategy with the following named arguments:

  1. parameters: a dictionary containing the strategy parameters from your strategy configuration file.

  2. data: the strategy data, which may be a DataFrame, or a dictionary of different datasets.

  3. instrument: a string with the trading instrument’s name (as it appears in the watchlist), or a list of instruments if the strategy has PORTFOLIO: True in its configuration.

Broker Access#

In some cases, you may like to directly connect with the broker from your strategy module. In this case, you must include INCLUDE_BROKER: True in your strategy configuration. This will tell AutoTrader to instantiate your strategy with the broker API and broker utilities. You will therefore need to include these as named arguments to your __init__ method, as shown below. Now you can access the methods of the broker directly from your strategy!

def __init__(self, parameters, data, instrument, broker, broker_utils, **kwargs):
    """Define all attributes of the strategy.
    """ = data
    self.parameters = parameters
    self.instrument = instrument = broker
    self.utils = broker_utils

Data Stream Access#

It may also be of interest to include the data stream object when your strategy is instantiated, particularly if you are using a custom data stream. As above, this can be achieved by specifying INCLUDE_STREAM: True in your strategy configuration.

def __init__(self, parameters, data, instrument, data_stream, **kwargs):
    """Define all attributes of the strategy.
    """ = data
    self.parameters = parameters
    self.instrument = instrument
    self.data_stream = data_stream

Indicators Dictionary#

If you wish to include any indicators your strategy uses when visualising backtest results, you must define an indicators attribute. This attribute takes the form of a dictionary with the indicators which you would like to include. This dictionary then gets passed to AutoPlot. The general form of this dictionary is shown below, but read more in the docs for more information.

self.indicators = {'indicator 1 name': {'type': 'indicator 1 type',
                                       'data': self.indicator1_data},
                   'indicator 2 name': {'type': 'indicator 2 type',
                                       'data': self.indicator2_data},

Signal Generation#

Signals are generated using the generate_signal method. This method contains the logic behind your strategy and returns trading signals in the form of Orders. This method must always return something, so either:

  1. Return an Order,

  2. Return multiple Orders grouped in a list,

  3. Return a blank Order using Order(), or an empty list [].

The details you provide in each order will depend on the order type. The most basic (and default) order is a market order, which only requires you to specify the direction: 1 for a long trade, and -1 for a short trade. Note that you do not have to provide the instrument to the order; AutoTrader will do that for you based on the instruments defined in the WATCHLIST of the strategy’s configuration. In some cases, however, you may want to provide it directly (when trading multiple instruments from the same strategy, for example).

The input arguments to this method will depend on the run mode of AutoTrader. In continuous update mode (the default mode), the most-recent strategy data is passed in. When backtesting, this dataset will evolve over the backtest period. When livetrading, the latest data available will be passed in. This mode is less prone to lookahead. In periodic update mode, the data indexing parameter i is passed in as the first argument. Since the entire dataset is passed to the strategy in this mode, the indexing parameter i must be used to act on the correct datapoints.

Shutdown Routine#

If you have a process you would like to exectue after your strategy has finished running, you may use the shutdown routine functionality to do so. This involves creating a method involving your shutdown routine and specifying it to AutoTrader via the add_strategy method.

To explain this functionality, consider you are livetrading with a strategy which maintains many open trades at once. If you have this bot deployed in continuous update mode and would like to terminate it by deleting its instance file, you likely would like it to safely close all open trades before terminating. Else, you may have unmanaged trades left open on your account. To prevent this, you may create a shutdown routine as shown below, which cancels any pending orders and closes all remaining open positions. Of course, this method should be more strategic than simply closing all positions and cancelling any orders.

def safe_exit_strategy(self):
    # Cancel all pending orders
    pending_orders =, 'pending')
    for order_id in pending_orders:
    # Close all open trades
    close_order = Order(instrument=self.instrument, order_type='close')

If you provide the name of your shutdown routine - in the example above this is ‘safe_exit_strategy’ - to AutoTrader via the shutdown_method argument of the add_strategy method, it will be called when the bot is terminated.