Command Line Interface#

As of v0.7.0, AutoTrader features a Command Line Interface (CLI) for various tasks.

Usage: autotrader [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  AutoTrader command line interface.

  --help  Show this message and exit.

  demo      Runs a demo backtest in AutoTrader.
  init      Initialises the directory NAME for trading with AutoTrader.
  monitor   Monitors a broker and serves the information to a prometheus...
  snapshot  Prints a snapshot of the trading account of a broker PICKLE...
  version   Shows the installed version number of AutoTrader.

Installed Version Number#

To quickly check what version of AutoTrader you have installed, you can use:

autotrader version

Note that you can also get this information from Python using the snippet below.

import autotrader


Demo Backtest#

Usage: autotrader demo [OPTIONS]

  Runs a demo backtest in AutoTrader.

Directory Initialisation#

To quickly initialise your directory to the recommended structure, you can use autotrader init.

Usage: autotrader init [OPTIONS] [NAME]

  Initialises the directory NAME for trading with AutoTrader. If no directory
  NAME is provided, the current directory will be initialised.

  To include ready-to-go strategies in the initialised directory, specify them
  using the strategies option. You can provide the following arguments:

  - template: a strategy template module
  - config: a strategy configuration template
  - strategy_name: the name of a strategy to load

  Strategies are loaded from the AutoTrader demo repository here:

  -s, --strategies TEXT  The name of strategies to include in the initialised
  --help                 Show this message and exit.

Trading Monitor#


See the tutorial on setting up your own trade dashboard for more information.

Usage: autotrader monitor [OPTIONS]

  Monitors a broker/exchange and serves the information to a prometheus

  -p, --port INTEGER      The port to serve data to.
  -i, --initial-nav TEXT  The initial NAV to use for relative PnL
  -m, --max-nav TEXT      The maximum NAV to use for drawdown calculations.
  -f, --picklefile TEXT   The pickle file containing a virtual broker
  -c, --config TEXT       The monitor yaml configuration filepath.
  -b, --broker TEXT       The name of the broker to connect to.
  -e, --environment TEXT  The trading environment.
  --help                  Show this message and exit.