Periodic versus Continuous Mode#

AutoTrader has two run modes which control how data is handled and how frequently strategies are instantiated. The active run mode is controlled using configure method. A summary of these modes is provided in the table below, but the following sections discuss them in more detail.

Periodic Mode

Continuous Mode

Strategy instantiation

Every update

Once during deployment

Data indexing

Index based

Time based

Lookahead risk



Backtest time

Very fast



The input arguments to your strategy’s generate_signal method change slightly depending on the run mode you are using. See the example below.

Periodic Update Mode#

In periodic update mode, an integer index i is used to iterate through the data set to provide trading signals at different points in time. When backtesting, this index will vary from 0 to len(data). Upon each iteration, the method generate_signal from the strategy module is called to obtain a signal corresponding to the current timestep. When livetrading or scanning, this index will be -1, corresponding to the most recent data, as required for livetrading. This is adequate for most strategies, but carries the risk of accidental data leakage when backtesting, since the strategy is instantiated with the entire dataset.

After the trading bots are updated with the latest data in periodic update mode, they will self-terminate and the AutoTrader instance will become inactive. For this reason, AutoTrader must be run periodically to repeatedly deploy trading bots and act on the latest signal - hence the name ‘periodic update mode’. For example, a strategy running on the 4-hour timeframe, AutoTrader should be scheduled to run every 4 hours. Each time it runs, the trading bots will be provided with data of the latest 4-hour candles to run the strategy on. This task is easily automated using cron, or even with a while True loop and time.sleep. A single bot update in this mode is illustrated in the chart below.


Noting this should bring to attention a point of difference between backtesting and livetrading using periodic update mode: strategies are instantiated once in backtests, but multiple times when livetrading. For some strategies this does not matter, but for others where you would like to maintain the strategies attributes it does. In such cases, continuous update mode may be better suited.

Continuous Update Mode#

In continuous update mode, a time marching algorithm is used in place of the integer indexing method used in periodic update mode. That is, time is slowly incremented forwards, and data is slowly revealed to the trading bots. More importantly, there is practically no difference between backtesting and livetrading from the perspective of the trading bots; strategies are instantiated once in both mediums. This means that strategies will maintain attributes from the time it is deployed until the time it is terminated. Data is automatically checked for lookahead bias in this mode, ensuring that the strategy will not see any future data. This comes at the cost of extra processing, meaning that backtesting in this mode is significantly slower.

The charts below illustrate this mode.


Livetrading Bot Management#

When bots are deployed for livetrading in continuous mode, a directory named ‘active_bots’ will be created in the working directory. In this directory, an ‘instance file’ will be created for each active instance of AutoTrader. The contents of the instance file includes the trading bots deployed in that instance, and the instruments they are trading. This provides a reference as to which AutoTrader instance contains which trading bots. To kill an active instance of AutoTrader, simply delete (or rename) the instance file. This will safely terminate the active bots, and proceed with the shutdown routines.

See also

The name of the instance file can be customised using the instance_str argument of the configure method.


Instantiation between each mode is the same, but instead of using an integer index i to iterate through the data, continous mode provides your strategy with the most up-to-date data at a given timestamp. In theory, if your code has no look-ahead, the same results will be achieved regardless of the run mode used. The code below shows the differences in the generate_signal method of the strategy class.

    def __init__(self, parameters, data, instrument): = data
        # 200EMA
        self.ema = TA.EMA(data, parameters['ema_period'])
        # MACD
        self.MACD = TA.MACD(data, parameters['MACD_fast'], 
                            parameters['MACD_slow'], parameters['MACD_smoothing'])
        self.MACD_CO = indicators.crossover(self.MACD.MACD, self.MACD.SIGNAL)
        self.MACD_CO_vals = indicators.cross_values(self.MACD.MACD, 
        # Price swings
        self.swings = indicators.find_swings(data)

    def generate_signal(self, i, **kwargs):
        """Define strategy to determine entry signals.
        if[i] > self.ema[i] and \ 
            self.MACD_CO[i] == 1 and \
            self.MACD_CO_vals[i] < 0:
                new_order = Order(direction=1)
        elif[i] < self.ema[i] and \
            self.MACD_CO[i] == -1 and \
            self.MACD_CO_vals[i] > 0:
                new_order = Order(direction=-1)

            new_order = Order()
        return new_order
    def calculate_features(self, data): = data
        # 200EMA
        self.ema = TA.EMA(data, self.parameters['ema_period'])
        # MACD
        self.MACD = TA.MACD(data, self.parameters['MACD_fast'], 
                            self.parameters['MACD_slow'], self.parameters['MACD_smoothing'])
        self.MACD_CO = indicators.crossover(self.MACD.MACD, self.MACD.SIGNAL)
        self.MACD_CO_vals = indicators.cross_values(self.MACD.MACD, 
        # Price swings
        self.swings = indicators.find_swings(data)

    def generate_signal(self, data):
        """Define strategy to determine entry signals.
        self.calculate_features(data) # Feature calculation on new data
        if[-1] > self.ema[-1] and \
            self.MACD_CO[-1] == 1 and \
            self.MACD_CO_vals[-1] < 0:
                new_order = Order(direction=1)
        elif[-1] < self.ema[-1] and \
            self.MACD_CO[-1] == -1 and \
            self.MACD_CO_vals[-1] > 0:
                new_order = Order(direction=-1)

            new_order = Order()
        return new_order

Note that a helper function calculate_features has been used to calculate the strategies indicators each time new data comes in when using continuous mode. In contrast, this would usually happen in the __init__ method of a strategy running in periodic mode.