Condensed AutoTrader Walkthrough#

This page is a condensed version of the detailed walkthrough, which goes through the process of building and running a strategy in AutoTrader. If you are familiar with Python, it should be sufficient to get you up and running.


The code for the MACD crossover strategy shown in this tutorial can be found in the demo repository.

Strategy Rules#

The rules for the MACD crossover strategy are as follows.

  1. Trade in the direction of the trend, as determined by the 200EMA.

  2. Enter a long position when the MACD line crosses up over the signal line, and enter a short when the MACD line crosses down below the signal line.

  3. To ensure only the strongest MACD signals, the crossover must occur below the histogram zero line for long positions, and above the histogram zero line for short positions.

  4. Stop losses are set at recent price swings/significant price levels.

  5. Take profit levels are set at 1:1.5 risk-to-reward.

An example of a long entry signal from this strategy is shown in the image below (generated using AutoTrader IndiView).

MACD crossover strategy

Strategy Construction#

Strategies in AutoTrader are built as class objects. They contain the logic required to transform data into a trading signals. Generally speaking, a strategy class will be instantiated with the name of the instrument being traded and the strategy parameters, but you can customise what gets passed in using the strategy configuration.


Follow Along

Follow along in the demo repository: config/macd.yaml

The strategy configuration file defines all strategy parameters and instruments to trade with the strategy. The PARAMETERS of this file will be passed into your strategy for you to use there.

# macd.yaml
NAME: 'Simple Macd Strategy'    # strategy name
MODULE: 'macd'                  # strategy module
CLASS: 'SimpleMACD'             # strategy class
INTERVAL: '1h'                  # stategy timeframe
PERIOD: 300                     # candles required by strategy
SIZING: 'risk'                  # sizing method
RISK_PC: 1.5                    # risk per trade (%)
PARAMETERS:                     # strategy parameters
  ema_period: 200
  MACD_fast: 12
  MACD_slow: 26
  MACD_smoothing: 9
  # Exit level parameters
  RR: 1.5

WATCHLIST: ['EURUSD=X']         # strategy watchlist

Class Object#

Although strategy construction is extremely flexible, the class must contain an __init__ method, and a method named generate_signal. The first of these methods is called whenever the strategy is instantiated.

By default, strategies in AutoTrader are instantiated with three named arguments:

  1. The name of the instrument being traded in this specific instance (instrument).

  2. The strategy parameters (parameters)

  3. The trading instruments data (data)

When backtesting, the data provided to __init__ is for the entire backtest period. This allows you to calculate all indicators for plotting purposes down the line, but it shouldn’t be used in the generate_signal method, as this could introduce look-ahead.

Aside from the __init__ method, your strategy must have a method named generate_signal. This method gets called by AutoTrader everytime new data becomes available, and expects a trading Order in return.

A long order can be created by specifying direction=1 when creating the Order, whereas a short order can be created by specifying direction=-1. If there is no trading signal this update, you can create an empty order with just Order(). We also define our exit targets by the stop_loss and take_profit arguments. The strategy below uses the generate_exit_levels helper method to calculate these prices.


Take a look at the template strategy provided in the Github repository.

from finta import TA
from autotrader import Order, indicators

class SimpleMACD:
    """Simple MACD Strategy
    1. Trade in direction of trend, as per 200EMA.
    2. Entry signal on MACD cross below/above zero line.
    3. Set stop loss at recent price swing.
    4. Target 1.5 take profit.
    def __init__(self, parameters, data, instrument):
        """Define all indicators used in the strategy.
        """ = "Simple MACD Trend Strategy"
        self.params = parameters
        self.instrument = instrument
        # Initial feature generation (for plotting only)

        # Construct indicators dict for plotting
        self.indicators = {'MACD (12/26/9)': {'type': 'MACD',
                                              'macd': self.MACD.MACD,
                                              'signal': self.MACD.SIGNAL},
                           'EMA (200)': {'type': 'MA',
                                         'data': self.ema}
    def generate_features(self, data):
        """Updates MACD indicators and saves them to the class attributes."""
        # Save data for other functions = data
        # 200EMA
        self.ema = TA.EMA(, self.params['ema_period'])
        # MACD
        self.MACD = TA.MACD(, self.params['MACD_fast'], 
                            self.params['MACD_slow'], self.params['MACD_smoothing'])
        self.MACD_CO = indicators.crossover(self.MACD.MACD, self.MACD.SIGNAL)
        self.MACD_CO_vals = indicators.cross_values(self.MACD.MACD, 
        # Price swings
        self.swings = indicators.find_swings(
    def generate_signal(self, data):
        """Define strategy to determine entry signals."""
        # Feature calculation
        # Look for entry signals (index -1 for the latest data)
        if[-1] > self.ema[-1] and \
            self.MACD_CO[-1] == 1 and \
            self.MACD_CO_vals[-1] < 0:
                # Long entry signal detected! Calculate SL and TP prices
                stop, take = self.generate_exit_levels(signal=1)
                new_order = Order(direction=1, stop_loss=stop, take_profit=take)
        elif[-1] < self.ema[-1] and \
            self.MACD_CO[-1] == -1 and \
            self.MACD_CO_vals[-1] > 0:
                # Short entry signal detected! Calculate SL and TP prices
                stop, take = self.generate_exit_levels(signal=-1)
                new_order = Order(direction=-1, stop_loss=stop, take_profit=take)

            # No trading signal, return a blank Order
            new_order = Order()
        return new_order
    def generate_exit_levels(self, signal):
        """Function to determine stop loss and take profit prices."""
        RR = self.params['RR']
        if signal == 1:
            # Long signal
            stop = self.swings.Lows[-1]
            take =[-1] + RR*([-1] - stop)
            # Short signal
            stop = self.swings.Highs[-1]
            take =[-1] - RR*(stop -[-1])
        return stop, take


An easy and organised way to deploy a trading bot is to set up a run file. Here you import AutoTrader, configure the run settings and deploy your bot. This is all achieved in the example below.

from autotrader import AutoTrader

at = AutoTrader()
at.configure(show_plot=True, verbosity=1, feed='yahoo',
             mode='continuous', update_interval='1h') 
at.backtest(start = '1/1/2021', end = '1/1/2022')

Let’s dive into this a bit more:

  • We begin by importing AutoTrader and creating an instance using at = AutoTrader().

  • Next, we use the configure method to set the verbosity of the code and tell AutoTrader that you would like to see the backtest plot. We also define the run mode and update interval to 1h, meaning that we will step through the backtest data by 1 hour at a time.

  • Next, we add our strategy using the add_strategy method. Here we pass the file prefix of the strategy configuration file, located (by default) in the config/ directory. Since our strategy configuration file is named macd.yaml, we pass in ‘macd’.

  • We then use the backtest method to define the backtest period. In this example, we set the start and end dates of the backtest.

  • Since we will be simulating trading (by backtesting), we also need to configure the virtual trading account. We do this with the virtual_account_config method. Here we set the account leverage to 30. You can also configure trading costs, bid/ask spread, initial balance and other settings here.

  • Finally, we run AutoTrader with the command

Simply run this file, and AutoTrader will do its thing.

Backtest Results#

With a verbosity of 1, you will see an output similar to that shown below. As you can see, there is a detailed breakdown of trades taken during the backtest period. Since we told AutoTrader to plot the results, you will also see the interactive chart shown below.

    ___         __      ______               __         
   /   | __  __/ /_____/_  __/________ _____/ /__  _____
  / /| |/ / / / __/ __ \/ / / ___/ __ `/ __  / _ \/ ___/
 / ___ / /_/ / /_/ /_/ / / / /  / /_/ / /_/ /  __/ /    
/_/  |_\__,_/\__/\____/_/ /_/   \__,_/\__,_/\___/_/     

[*********************100%***********************]  1 of 1 completed

AutoTraderBot assigned to trade EURUSD=X with virtual broker using Simple Macd Strategy.


31539600.0it [00:19, 1630112.41it/s]                                                                                                                                          
Backtest complete (runtime 19.348 s).

               Trading Results
Start date:              Jan 20 2021 04:00:00
End date:                Dec 31 2021 13:00:00
Duration:                345 days 09:00:00
Starting balance:        $1000.0
Ending balance:          $1140.75
Ending NAV:              $1170.16
Total return:            $140.75 (14.1%)
Maximum drawdown:        -18.97%
Total no. trades:        175
Total fees paid:         $0.0
Win rate:                21.7%
Max win:                 $36.51
Average win:             $25.26
Max loss:                -$21.57
Average loss:            -$16.38
Longest winning streak:  4 trades
Longest losing streak:   11 trades
Average trade duration:  1 day, 3:43:38
Positions still open:    1
Cancelled orders:        5

            Summary of long trades
Number of long trades:   36
Win rate:                41.7%
Max win:                 $36.51
Average win:             $25.22
Max loss:                -$21.18
Average loss:            -$17.23

             Summary of short trades
Number of short trades:  54
Win rate:                42.6%
Max win:                 $31.85
Average win:             $25.28
Max loss:                -$21.57
Average loss:            -$15.86

Going Live#

Taking a strategy live is as easy as changing a few lines in your runfile. Say you would like to trade your strategy on the cryptocurrency exchange dYdX. Then, all you need to do is specify this as the broker in the configure method, as shown below. You will just need to make sure you have provided the relevant API keys in your keys.yaml file to connect to your exchange.

from autotrader import AutoTrader

at = AutoTrader()
at.configure(verbosity=1, broker='dydx',
             mode='continuous', update_interval='1h') 

What if you wanted to paper trade your strategy before putting real money into it? Simply configure a virtual trading account and specify the exchange as dydx (or whatever broker you specify in configure) and then you will be paper trading! Doing this, AutoTrader’s virtual broker mirrors the real-time orderbook of the exchange specified, making execution of orders as accurate as possible.

from autotrader import AutoTrader

at = AutoTrader()
at.configure(verbosity=1, broker='dydx',
             mode='continuous', update_interval='1h') 
at.virtual_account_config(leverage=30, exchange='dydx')