Account Configuration#


In order to connect with your broker/exchange of choice, you must provide the API keys. Keys can be kept in a keys.yaml file in your config directory, or passed directly to AutoTrader as a dictionary. To do the latter, use the configure method of AutoTrader. If you are keeping your keys in the keys.yaml file, AutoTrader will automatically find them.


Example account configuration structures are shown below. For exchange-specific configuration keys, refer to the appropriate docs.


A template keys.yaml file can be generated using the command line interface! Simply run autotrader init in your home directory, and the template file will be created in the config/ directory. You can also find this template in the Github repository.

  LIVE_API: ""
  LIVE_ACCESS_TOKEN: "12345678900987654321-abc34135acde13f13530"
  PRACTICE_ACCESS_TOKEN: "12345678900987654321-abc34135acde13f13530"
  DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID: "xxx-xxx-xxxxxxxx-001"
  PORT: 443

  api_key: "xxxx"
  secret: "xxxx"
  base_currency: "USDT"
keys_config = {
    "OANDA": {
        "LIVE_API": "",
        "LIVE_ACCESS_TOKEN": "12345678900987654321-abc34135acde13f13530",
        "PRACTICE_API": "",
        "PRACTICE_ACCESS_TOKEN": "12345678900987654321-abc34135acde13f13530",
        "DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ID": "xxx-xxx-xxxxxxxx-001",
        "PORT": 443,
    "CCXT:EXCHANGE": {"api_key": "xxxx", "secret": "xxxx", "base_currency": "USDT"},

To pass the keys dictionary to AutoTrader, use at.configure(global_config=keys_config).